After you've planned this big bow hunting trip, you are going to forget a few things, but the following list should help minimize what you do end up forgetting.
Getting the land owner's permission or securing your Kentucky outfitter ground
Buy your hunting license
Make sure your gun or bow is sighted in
Inspect tree stands
Get your game cameras
Checking batteries
Learn your hunting restrictions, limits and laws
Get a map
Ammo and arrows
Scent control sprays
Back pack
Scrape drippers and Scent wicks
bow case and gun cases
Spotting scopes or range finders
Hoist for your weapon
Shooting stick
Cleaning kid
Climbing Sticks
Scent free containers and clothing already treated for scent control
Deer Calls
Deer gutting items / knives / garbage bags
Folding saw
Deer Drag
This is just a bare bones basic list to begin your personalized deer hunting trip list. Any internet search will provide you with a foundation of basic needed to survives in the outdoors during a hunting expedition. Even if you're just going bow hunter, you may still want to bring a firearm for personal protection. Or search other Kentucky whitetail outfitter websites. Within the above list has very few survival type of items. The list was more geared around helping you succeed in harvesting a Kentucky trophy buck vs. survival or any sort of "prepping" list.