Kentucky Trophy Deer Hunting Plan 

kentucky hunting food plots

As you prepare for your Kentucky trophy deer hunt (8 point minimum 125' no mgt. does to be shot during your trophy hunt), here is a list of basic things to remember. 

1)  Hunts are to be paid in full 60 days prior.  Your hunting date can be sold to someone else, and your deposit would be forfeited if you do not pay on time.  In all honesty, simply call me and say, “I need another week or two,” and I’ll allow that, but just don’t show up with money in hand because someone else will be hunting.  Should you need to cancel 60 days or more prior to your hunt, your deposit will be kept and can be used towards the same hunt next year of equal value or close to the same hunting dates the following year.

2)  You can arrive the day before your morning hunt.  We are limited to 10+- day modern gun hunts, so the property is primary for bow hunting.  Most of the food plots average 1/4 to 1/2 acre in size, but there are some long and narrow plots over 150 yards in each direction.

3)  The map you receive will show the location of the hunting cabin, food plots, what's in each food plot, ladder stand location in each food plot, auto-corn feeder locations, etc.  

4)  What is a Kentucky outfitter?  Kentucky hunting Guides have pros and cons. When nobody is expecting breakfast and to be driven to a hunting spot, that is a do-it-yourself fair-chase hunt.  I put in the work 10 months out of the year, and it's up to you to do the rest.  I plant summer plots, kill plots, and food plots I have "fun with."  And it's not "work" for the record; I enjoy sitting on a tractor.  It's enjoyment.  I can recommend full-time outfitters that are great and offer all the services.  It's just not what I offer.  I fill 5+- corn feeders nearly year-round, fertilize, etc.  However, you simply lease the land from me.  Feel free to use the stands that are on most of the food plots or any of the elevated box blinds or ladders stands where there will be a corn auto-feeder in view of each of them.

Common sense prevails.  Nobody has been granted permission to come onto the property to track a deer from their Kentucky hunting lease.  If a neighbor had to do this, I’d expect a phone call, but at the very least, they would do it under cover of darkness and an hour after hunting times so that it doesn’t disturb the deer.  If you feel you need to track a deer and it was shot late, I’ve never asked permission to trespass before, nor can I give you permission to go onto someone else’s property.  Use good judgment!  

5)  Don’t field dress on the hunting grounds please. Please read my quick Kentucky Hunting season plan.   -Hunting Property Description

6)  I have neighbors that  don’t come on the property, but they will stop you from entering and exiting the property (as a courtesy to me).  It has nothing to do with the fact you are hunting; they just know I don’t allow anyone back there.  If you’re stopped, just be nice and tell them to call their neighbor, and you have permission to be there.  Maybe even thank them for helping to keep all poachers away!

7)  If there is a storm or a random tree falls down, “life happens”.  I won’t be coming out there to clear trails during hunting season - you’ll have to figure it out.  I keep hunting ground free of pressure as much as I can.  

8)   I don’t lock doors or windows, so just leave the place as you left it, please.  Generators are not appropriate to make noise unless they are quiet 4-stroke generators.  There is a hotel/motel type of stay if you want to mix it up about 25 miles away. 

You can “Telecheck” your deer at 1800-245-4263   or call 1800-858-1549 for Kentucky Dept. of Fish and Wildlife information.   Remember to fill out your Harvest Log and attach it to the horns.  If you don’t have a harvest log, they have them at the Wal-Mart you bought the license from.  License vary depending on your age, residency, etc.  They seemingly go up every year, so call Wal-Mart for the latest prices.

9)  Take a map with you.   Some people like branches and limbs around them, others don’t.  Take out a saw to trim back what you need to.  There is also a pole saw for you to use at the cabin if you need it.  Bowhunters can place some of their own stands in planned ambush areas; they know what they need to bring. 

10)  You’ll see deer.  However, we all know hunting has a lot to do with skill and preparation.  Depending on your expectation, you may try to scout out a corridor where you believe you can ambush the big one, timing his appearance to feed just at dark, or simply hunt over auto-feeders (5 on property) while they are eating corn. The property has plenty of great places to put ladder stands, but there are ladders stands on most food plots.  Use the map to plan your strategy.  I like to go someplace “thick” and take a chance while letting others cover the obvious spots deer will be.  BowHunters -  you’ll have to be more strategic.  Look at my notes on the different food plots and the surroundings to plan your hunt.  Opening morning is the toughest because you simply don’t know your way around…yet.

11)  The bad news:  If your buddy backs out last minute, you must pay for the space of 2 hunters otherwise, it is considered a cancelation.  The bank wants their money no matter what, and I plan in advance.  I work a full-time teaching job, so I am not there to "stuff" hunters into coming and going with strangers on the same property.  

​13)  Hold Kentucky outfitters accountable.  Phone calls are great, but you should text tough questions too.  We are more than willing to put everything we say in writing!